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Bypass Kali Linux Login Screen

This is the another post of the Operating System Login Mechanism bypass series. In this post, we are going to bypass the login screen of the Kali Linux that works on all Kali rollings. This is method is slightly different from the method of the Ubuntu. STEPS:- Step 1 :  First, boot the Kali rolling and you will find the GRUB Menu of the KALI. Step 2 :  Then press 'e'  key to load the GRUB. Step 3 :  After that, replace 'ro'  to 'rw'  and 'init=/bin/bash'  at the same line and press 'F10'  key to load with this GRUB file. Step 4 :  After the boot, you will dropped into the root shell of the system. Step 5 :  Now, type 'passwd root'  command and enter the new unix password twice of the root user. Now, Reboot the system and boot normally and you are able to login to the root account of the Kali-rolling with the new password. Post written by - M4TRIX_H4CK3R Author  -  https://en.gra...
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